Saturday, January 3, 2009


we all have it.
i have this strange disease where when i go shopping i will walk around with something in my hands for thirty minutes and right before i check out, i will put it back. this makes for a happy bank account but a not always happy living. i get plagued with the desire to live without a lot of stuff, while still wanting a lot of stuff. this gets tiresome.

yesterday i received a surprise christmas package from a wonderful friend. it is a beautiful hand etched vase made by a woman from nicaragua. this gift is special because within the gift is a deeper understanding of who i am. my friend understands that i love handmade gifts, and my love of things latino. this gift proudly sits under a portrait of frida, another gift i received from some more good friends several years ago.

this got me thinking.

as i looked around my apartment, i realized that most of the things are gifts from people who love me and know me. i have a plate from spain from my sister, pictures of windows and doors from cindy, art from friends, candles, lamps, prayer rugs, icons, and even my microwave was gifted to me.

with this vision, the items around my house ceased to become stuff. they were reminders of all the people who walk with me daily and who love me. although i know i don't need things to know i am loved, it is an outward and visible sign of their love. it reminds me of this when i feel down or frustrated.

many visitors have said they feel calm and peaceful when they enter my house. i too feel a certain peace after a long day at work. i think this is because it is filled with these gifts- the presence of people who love, people who know and are known.

1 comment:

  1. your blog is great already. you are writing exactly the kinds of posts i love reading! just about life. what you're thinking, doing, the daily stuff. yay for jillian starting a blog!!!!
